You’re in the right place if you’re struggling with…

Managing enrolments, contributions & deductions

Communicating benefit information

Benefits Management

Boost benefit efficiency and accuracy.

Calculate and manage contributions and deductions based on predefined rules and schedules, reducing errors and saving time. Keep employee enrollments including health insurance and retirement plans up-to-date while providing them with self-service options to review and modify their benefit selections.

  • Review benefit enrollments, administer rate changes and add new hire enrollments

  • Update and maintain effective dated plan rates

  • Define and manage various plans including disability, medical insurance, vision, dental, life insurance, AD&D, etc.

Benefit Communication

Communicate benefit details clearly.

Engage employees with their benefits by effectively communicating the value of each benefits package. Self-service provides clear communication and resources to help employees make informed decisions to maximize their coverage, satisfaction and retention.

  • Guide employees through a clear, automated process to update their benefit elections

  • Provide employees plan comparisons during the enrollment process

  • Provide employees the ability to notify you of qualifying life events through self service (e.g. becoming a parent, marriage, divorce, moving etc.)

Users Love Us.

Why Workzoom?

  • Automatically assigns benefits based on company-defined criteria.

  • Supports employees with guided benefit enrollment and plan comparisons.

  • Provides notifications for life events and open enrollment.

Other Vendors

  • Often uses 3rd party integrations.

  • Limited or no automation of benefit assignment based on position.

  • No effective-dating for mid-period or future benefits assignment.

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How we work together to optimize Workzoom for your business.

Configuring Data & Workflows

Benefits Management

  • Define enrollment periods

  • Set employee eligibility

  • Establish deductions and contributions

  • Enter carrier rates

Coaching Best Practices

Benefits Automation

  • How to plan for life and work events

  • Simplifying rate changes where possible

  • How to switch benefit carriers

More Workzoom Payroll.


Pay accurately and on-time.


Simplify and standardize expenditures.

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