You’re in the right place if you’re struggling with…

Low employee engagement

Collecting team opinions and feedback

Team access to resources

Engaged Employees

Communicate company news and updates regularly.

Effectively communicate updates, alerts and messages with your team through a central portal to boost motivation, productivity and job satisfaction. Ensure your whole team is up-to-date on the latest information so they feel valued and engaged.

  • Distribute short alerts or longer messages directly to individuals, groups of people or across the entire organization

  • Share key dates, stat and corporate holidays, schedules, and events with calendars that can be subscribed to through Outlook, Google Calendar or Apple Calendar

  • Put a face to a name with a real time searchable employee directory

  • Send email notifications to staff automatically

Employee Feedback

Understand employees on a deeper level.

Unclear expectations, poor communication and a lack of feedback can all contribute to employee dissatisfaction. To show your team you care, polls and surveys provide an official way to capture team opinions on everything from basic preferences to more in-depth questions on company satisfaction. Use the answers to take action and make changes your employees want and need.

  • Utilize quick single question polls for simple preferences

  • Use longer, more detailed surveys for a more in-depth understanding

  • Analyze result trends over time with powerful analytics

Resource Database

Support engagement through resources.

Centralize all safety protocols, workplace guidelines and other important documents. Bring everything together to make day-to-day tasks easier while important resources are highly visible and easily accessed by all.

  • Central access to important company resources such as policies, handbooks and procedures etc. and filter access to specific resources to applicable staff

Users Love Us.

Why Workzoom?

  • Connects and aligns your entire organization in real time.

  • Provides clear and on demand access to key organizational information.

  • Keeps decision makers informed of employee sentiment and satisfaction.

Other Vendors

  • Staff struggle to find and access necessary and up-to-date information.

  • Leadership lacks the visibility into employee sentiment.

  • Work culture tends to be compartmentalized, hindering cross-departmental collaboration.

Have questions? Let’s chat.

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How we work together to optimize Workzoom for your business.

Coaching Best Practices

Engagement Automation

  • How to keep employees up-to-date with urgent and non-urgent news

  • Best practices on collecting survey information based on your team

  • How and why you should be creating polls to understand employee sentiment

  • How to use calendar events to keep employees informed of important dates

More Workzoom HR.


Consolidate and streamline hiring.


Simplify onboarding of new hires.


Centralize your people data.


Reduce compliance risk and administrative burden.

Try Workzoom For Free.

No up-front costs, no long-term contracts, no risk. Try our easy, three-step process to experience the value of Workzoom for your business before you buy.

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