How Processing Fits Your Business.
1. Experience
Your Workzoom Coach will seek to understand how you do business while demonstrating Workzoom’s functionality and how it can be fit to suit your needs.
What challenges do you face when processing pay currently?
Who is responsible for processing pay?
What are your key processing dates and pay frequencies?
2. Collaborate
The success of Workzoom depends on you and your team communicating with your Coach! To make the most of Workzoom we will work together to:
Articulate your business requirements for payroll set up (frequency, key processing dates, business numbers, and corporate bank accounts)
Understand your recurring allowances, earnings, deductions, and taxable benefits
Outline needs for ad hoc, infrequently used pay codes
Review data audits available in pay processing
3. Achieve
After fitting Workzoom to you, you will be able to:
Automate payroll inputs from personnel data, time & attendance, benefits, and expenses (as applicable based on subscription)
Validate, process, and disburse accurate payroll
Audit payroll with detailed payroll registers and ad hoc reporting to the pay entry level
Process Records of Employment (Canadian Payroll)
Process post-pay adjustment through extra pays, pay reversals, or YTD adjustments
Upload pay entries en masse through pay entry batch(es)
Record employee non-basic tax exemptions
Process and validate recoverable advances
Automate statutory holiday averaging calculations
Automate monies owed for retroactive salary changes
All Processing Features.
Bank file generation
Auto generate ACH bank files to disburse employee funds direct from your business account.
Capture & calculation of taxes & per diems
Capture taxes, travel per diems, mileage rates etc. through online expense statements with appropriate approvals.
Capture of receipts for expenditure proof
Capture receipts electronically attached to expense statements.
Commission pay
Pay commission to employees.
Direct deposits or cheques
Pay employees by direct deposit or by cheque.
Employee banking details
Capture banking details for employees including multiple accounts defined for split payments either by a flat dollar amount or a percentage of pay.
Employee compensation rates
Track salary, hourly, commission, piece rates, stipends, etc. with effective dates for full visibility into current compensation and history.
Employee pay statements
Generate pay stubs and provide access to current and historical stubs through employee self service.
Off-cycle payrolls
Process off-cycle payrolls such as bonuses, commissions, extra pays, retro payments, termination pays, pay reversals.
Pay codes
Use standard pay codes as is, easily adjust existing ones or configure your own.
Pay entry batch uploads
Upload bulk pay entries of any type (time or money).
Pay frequencies
Run payrolls on a quarterly, monthly, semi-monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly frequency.
Pay legislation and taxes
Calculate payroll taxes for Canada, the United States and Bahamas.
Pay scales
Manage manual or auto progressing pay scales based on seniority or hours worked with data effective rates.
Payroll audits
Auto generate payroll audits every time pay is calculated.
Payroll processing
Process one or multiple payrolls for different sets of employees and businesses.
Payroll register
Generate an excel based payroll register at any time to audit the payroll figures.
Real-time collection & calculation of pay entries
Collect pay entries and calculate payroll in real time including time, time off, benefits, recurring entries, etc.
Recurring payroll entries
Record recurring payroll entries for an employee such as a social committee deduction, union dues etc.
Retroactive pay
Automatically calculate and generate retroactive pays due to wage changes en masse or individually.
ROE generation
Manually or auto generate ROE for terminated employees and those going on long term leave.
ROE web file
Generate ROE Web flat files for easy upload to ROE Web.
Special job rates
Track individual job rates for employees paid different rates for different jobs.
Split deposits
Split employee pay deposits across multiple bank accounts by percentage, flat dollar amount and remaining.
Statutory holiday averaging
Automatically calculate statutory holiday averaging for hourly employees.
Submission of expenses to payroll
Employees can submit expense statements which once approved can flow directly into payroll for processing.
Tax table updates
Rely on up-to-date tax rates and tables.
All Processing Insight.
Average time to process ROE
How long is it taking to process a ROE?
Bank transmissions
What bank transmissions have generated?
What is the volume of deductions by type?
Earnings breakdown
What are employee earnings by type or pay code?
Employee benefit deduction costs
What are employees paying for benefits each month?
Employees with garnishments
Which employees have garnishments being deducted?
Employees with split accounts
Which employees have pay splits?
Employer benefit costs
What is the organization paying for benefits each month?
ER & EE cost comparison over time
What is the employee and employer benefits spend month over month, or year over year?
Expense statement timeline comparison
What is the trend for expenses over the past 6 months, 12 months, etc.?
Expenses pending approval
Who has an expense statement that hasn’t been processed for payroll?
Fringe benefit costs
How much are fringe benefits costing?
Fringe benefit recipients
Who is receiving fringe benefits in the company?
Gross pay breakdown
What is contributing to gross pay?
Gross pay comparison to last period
How does gross pay compare to last period? Is it costing more? Are there unexpected increases this period?
Highest spending employees
Who is submitting the most expenses and the most expensive? Who are the big spenders and why?
Manual entries
What manual entries were there in the period?
Outstanding declining balances
Which employees have a declining balance sundry?
Pay entries by source
What is the source of pay entries (manual vs. generated) and how much are there of each?
Pay run summary
What pay runs have generated? What state/status are they in?
Payment method breakdown
Who is paid by cheque vs. deposit?
Payroll calendar
What are the organization’s pay dates?
Payroll data changes
What data changes were made that could impact payroll (from HR, benefits, etc.)?
Period paid leave hours
How much paid leave was taken this period?
Prior period entries
What is in the pay run prior to the period start date?
Registers (YTD, Pay Period, Person)
What pay entries were in a specific pay run, for a specific person, or over a specified period?
ROE reason trends
Why are ROEs being issued? How many are issued for leaves vs. terminations?
ROE summary
What ROEs have been issued? Compared to last year?
Summary of sundries
Who has which type of sundry and how much?
Taxable benefits
What are the current taxable benefits?
Terminated/LTL without ROE
Who is owed an ROE that was terminated or on long term leave?
Top expense items
What are the most frequent expenses being charged?
Transmission audit
Are there any issues with the bank transmission for data?
Transmission history
What bank transmission files have been created and what was in them?
Un-calculated pays
Are there pays that have not been calculated? Which ones?
Unbalanced pays
Are there pays where net pay does not equal the pay clearing? Which ones?
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