You’re in the right place if you’re struggling with…

Organizing company and employee effort

Tracking progress and exchanging regular feedback

Understanding employee impact and succession planning

Aligned Objectives

Establish clear and actionable objectives.

Share your company vision and set actionable targets that directly impact each employee’s unique career goals and performance. Clear communication and simplified tracking mitigate confusion, disengagement and underperformance.

  • Identify top level business goals to cascade down to departments and employees

  • Automate performance reviews based on schedules (annual, semi-annual, quarterly, etc.)

  • Build custom employee development plans

Progress Tracking

Communicate regularly to drive performance.

Effective feedback and communication between managers and employees is a cornerstone of productivity and employee engagement. Collect praise, challenges and improvements on a regular basis to support and develop your team over time.

  • Initiate ad hoc reviews for individuals

  • Record and monitor disciplinary actions documenting the type of discipline received, severity, next actions, employee statement

  • Task employees to track and regularly update progress on their objectives and consolidate the results organization wide

Succession Planning

Evaluate performance through a company lens.

Leverage step-by-step assessments for employees and managers to rate performance, determine risk and plan for the future. It’s not just about developing the individual, but also determining challenges and gaps in company performance for succession planning.

  • Tie compensation to performance as part of a structured process

  • Build unique questionnaires and/or assessments for different groups of employees

  • Conduct 360 degree reviews

Users Love Us.

Why Workzoom?

  • Ensure employees have a clear understanding of their objectives and how they contribute to the organization’s goals.

  • Create an objective performance assessment system that supports and encourages growth.

  • Leverage robust data analysis to refine and improve decision-making.

  • Minimize routine tasks to enable managers to dedicate more time to proactive mentorship and leadership.

Other Vendors

  • Manual, inefficient and ineffective performance review processes.

  • Poor employee and manager experience with inconsistent results.

  • Lack of real-time insights and comprehensive organization-wide perspectives.

  • Scalability and adaptability challenges.

Have questions? Let’s chat.

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How we work together to optimize Workzoom for your business.

Coaching Best Practices

Performance Automation

  • Why company goals are important and how to create and track them

  • How to connect company goals with employee goals for total alignment

  • Why you should automate your performance reviews

  • What custom development plans can do for your employees

  • Why regular check-ins are important and how to automate reminders

  • How to tie compensation to performance

  • Why 360 reviews can enhance performance

More Workzoom Talent.


Deliver and track training.

Career Planning

Promote employee development.


Ensure continuity for key roles.

Try Workzoom For Free.

No up-front costs, no long-term contracts, no risk. Try our easy, three-step process to experience the value of Workzoom for your business before you buy.

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