You’re in the right place if you’re struggling with…

Identifying and developing successors

Retaining top talent

Implementing succession plans

Successor Development

Prepare talent for future roles.

Identify and develop employees with the potential to fill key roles in the company in the future. Recognize current performance while also assessing potential for growth and leadership qualities. Provide chosen employees with training, mentoring and support programs to ensure they are prepared to step into higher positions when the time comes.

  • Define succession plans for key jobs/positions

  • Assign potential successors to a succession plan

  • Understand how on-track successors are to meet the plans and what progress has been made

Talent Retention

Create a highly desirable work environment.

Retain promising employees even in a competitive job market. Regular feedback, learning opportunities and career planning along with a clear and actionable succession plan all contribute to a winning retention strategy to help top talent choose your organization above all others for their personal and professional development.

  • Identify possible successors for key roles

  • Build custom development plans to assist employees achieve succession requirements

  • Use a 12-Box Evaluation tool to identify employee’s potential against their risk of leaving the organization

Succession Visibility

Bring plans to life by communicating value.

Clear structure and effective implementation strategy will help bring your succession plans to life. High plan visibility, helpful reports and opportunities for regular communication ensure leadership understands the importance of dedicating time and resources to developing future talent. Flexible plans that can be regularly adjusted and reviewed to stay aligned with the organization’s goals, market conditions and workforce dynamics.

  • Compare a successors skills, knowledge, certifications to those required for the target positions.

  • Understand what plans are defined for current/future succession

Users Love Us.

Why Workzoom?

  • Identify key organizational requirements for a succession plan for people or positions.

  • Assess how/where employees can best utilize their talents as your organization evolves.

  • Identify long and short term gaps in your leadership positions.

Other Vendors

  • Lack of succession planning limits people’s internal growth.

  • Leadership can be caught unaware of the impact of critical vacancies.

  • Unfilled critical positions can negatively impact company growth.

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Coaching Best Practices

Succession Automation

  • Understand succession plans and why they’re important

  • How to identify employees with potential for key roles

  • How to build custom development plans to help employees achieve success

  • How special tools like the 12-Box Evaluation helps to identify risk

More Workzoom Talent.


Align goals and optimize performance.


Deliver and track training.

Career Planning

Promote employee development.

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